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Our Benchmarking & Auditing Services

Benchmarking Services

Analyzing your basic facility information and utility data using EnergyStar Portfolio Manager to determine your building's general efficiency and a comparison to similar facilities.


Energy Audits

We offer a range of energy audit solutions for commercial and industrial facilities ranging from high level walk throughs to investment grade audits.  We reference ASHRAE Level Audits, and will customize your audit to your needs.


ASHRAE Level I - Walk through with high level analysis.

ASHRAE Level II - A detailed survey and analysis. 

ASHRAE Level III - A more detailed survey and analysis.   


Retro-commissioning (RCx)

An RCx study investigates how a building currently operates and how to optimize its operations and controls. An RCx study can be combined with an energy audit.


Water Audits

We survey and analyze your overall water consumption, distribution systems, processes, and end uses to help improve water efficiency.


Carbon Footprinting

We survey and calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Whether you are mandated by the EPA, looking for Carbon Offsets, or are simply trying to do good for our planet, you will eventually want to know your carbon footprint.




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